Here are examples of the web pages implemented using HTML5/CSS3/JQuery.
Curently, Those pages works correctly in Firefox3.6+, Chrome 10+, Safari, Opera type browsers. In IE type browsers, some of the features do not work.
1. IONIC Framework
Example of mobile application implemented by using IONIC framework.
1. Backbone MVC
Example of pagination functionality that is implemented using Backbone+Mustache frameworks + ColorWorks.js.
2. Backbone todo example
Todo tutorial by Jérôme Gravel-Niquet (backbone.js site), expanded to include sort functionality and initial data load from local JSNON and then switched to backbone-localstore.
3. Backbone wine Cellar
Wine Cellar tutorial by Christophe Coenraets (, expanded to include input validation for special characters, usability features for left nav, MySql db setup, php update for new entry picture.
4. HTML5 drag-and-drop
Drag and drop functionality implemented in HTML5 and JS augmented by sound effects. Does work in IE9+,FF, Opera 12, doesnt work in Chrome browser.
5. QUnit Asynchronous Calls example
Test cases for locally declared and loaded from file via AJAX JSON object.
6. JQuery Image Viewer
Example of JQuery plugins use: for image load, JQuery template plugin for central image display and Elastislide plugin for thumbnails image carousel.
7. JQuery Validation
JQuery Validation plugins use: dynamic input field insert with validation setup and event delegation.
8. Editable form and data persistance.
User can edit form fields and data will be preserved.
9. Table and CSS3 Pseudoclasses
Example of new possibilities for table skinning using CSS3.
10. Canvas and Graph
Html5 canvas element and custom JS library from
11. Geopositioning
Html 5 and Google maps API.
12. Geocoder Service V3.0
Html 5 and Google maps API.
13. JQuery plugin
Example of jquery plugin, reverse text.
Example of JQUERY/AJAX techniques use.
JQUERY plugin and CSS modifications.
Accordion widget implmented using JQUERY and CSS3.
17. Drupal mashup of technologies
Combination of HTML5,CSS3, JQUERY, PHP, MySQL in a sample, Drupal driven website.